The Lord St. Simon
marriage, and its curious termination, have long ceased to be a
subject of interest in those exalted circles in which the
unfortunate bridegroom moves. Fresh scandals have eclipsed it,
and their more piquant details have drawn the gossips away from
this four-year-old drama. As I have reason to believe, however,
that the full facts have never been revealed to the general
public, and as my friend Sherlock Holmes had a consid- erable
share in clearing the matter up, I feel that no memoir of him
would be complete without some little sketch of this remark- able
It was a few weeks before my own
marriage, during the days when I was still sharing rooms with
Holmes in Baker Street, that he came home from an afternoon
stroll to find a letter on the table waiting for him. I had
remained indoors all day, for the weather had taken a sudden turn
to rain, with high autumnal winds, and the Jezail bullet which I
had brought back in one of my limbs as a relic of my Afghan
campaign throbbed with dull persistence. With my body in one
easy-chair and my legs upon another, I had surrounded myself with
a cloud of newspapers until at last, saturated with the news of
the day, I tossed them all aside and lay listless, watching the
huge crest and monogram upon the envelope upon the table and
wondering lazily who my friend's noble correspondent could be.
"Here is a very fashionable
epistle," I remarked as he en- tered. "Your morning
letters, if I remember right, were from a fish-monger and a
"Yes, my correspondence has
certainly the charm of variety," he answered, smiling,
"and the humbler are usually the more interesting. This
looks like one of those unwelcome social sum- monses which call
upon a man either to be bored or to lie."
He broke the seal and glanced over the
"Oh, come, it may prove to be
something of interest, after all."
"Not social, then?"
"No, distinctly professional."
"And from a noble client?"
"One of the highest in
"My dear fellow. I congratulate
"I assure you, Watson, without
affectation, that the status of my client is a matter of less
moment to me than the interest of his case. It is just possible,
however, that that also may not be wanting in this new
investigation. You have been reading the papers diligently of
late, have you not?"
"It looks like it," said I
ruefully, pointing to a huge bundle in the corner. "I have
had nothing else to do."
"It is fortunate, for you will
perhaps be able to post me up. I read nothing except the criminal
news and the agony column. The latter is always instructive. But
if you have followed recent events so closely you must have read
about Lord St. Simon and his wedding?"
"Oh, yes, with the deepest
"That is well. The letter which I
hold in my hand is from Lord St. Simon. I will read it to you,
and in return you must turn over these papers and let me have
whatever bears upon the matter. This is what he says:
"Lord Backwater tells me that I may place implicit
reliance upon your judgment and discretion. I have
determined, therefore, to call upon you and to consult you in
reference to the very painful event which has occurred in
connection with my wedding. Mr. Lestrade, of Scotland Yard,
is acting already in the matter, but he assures me that he
sees no objection to your cooperation, and that he even
thinks that it might be of some assistance. I will call at
four o'clock in the afternoon, and, should you have any other
engagement at that time, I hope that you will postpone it, as
this matter is of paramount importance. Yours faithfully,
"It is dated from Grosvenor
Mansions, written with a quill pen, and the noble lord has had
the misfortune to get a smear of ink upon the outer side of his
right little finger," remarked Holmes as he folded up the
"He says four o'clock. It is three
now. He will be here in an hour."
"Then I have just time, with your
assistance, to get clear upon the subject. Turn over those papers
and arrange the extracts in their order of time, while I take a
glance as to who our client is." He picked a red-covered
volume from a line of books of reference beside the mantelpiece.
"Here he is," said he, sitting down and flattening it
out upon his knee. "Lord Robert Walsingham de Vere St.
Simon, second son of the Duke of Balmoral. Hum! Arms: Azure,
three caltrops in chief over a fess sable. Born in 1846. He's
forty-one years of age, which is mature for marriage. Was
Under-Secretary for the colonies in a late administration. The
Duke, his father, was at one time Secre- tary for Foreign
Affairs. They inherit Plantagenet blood by direct descent, and
Tudor on the distaff side. Ha! Well, there is nothing very
instructive in all this. I think that I must turn to you Watson,
for something more solid."
"I have very little difficulty in
finding what I want," said I, "for the facts are quite
recent, and the matter struck me as remarkable. I feared to refer
them to you, however, as I knew that you had an inquiry on hand
and that you disliked the intrusion of other matters."
"Oh, you mean the little problem of
the Grosvenor Square furniture van. That is quite cleared up now
-- though, indeed, it was obvious from the first. Pray give me
the results of your newspaper selections."
"Here is the first notice which I
can find. It is in the personal column of the Morning Post,
and dates, as you see, some weeks back:
"A marriage has been arranged
[it says] and will, if rumour is correct, very shortly take
place, between Lord Robert St. Simon, second son of the Duke
of Balmoral, and Miss Hatty Doran, the only daughter of
Aloysius Doran. Esq., of San Francisco, Cal., U. S. A.
That is all."
"Terse and to the point,"
remarked Holmes, stretching his long, thin legs towards the fire.
"There was a paragraph amplifying
this in one of the society papers of the same week. Ah, here it
"There will soon be a call for
protection in the marriage market, for the present free-trade
principle appears to tell heavily against our home product.
One by one the management of the noble houses of Great
Britain is passing into the hands of our fair cousins from
across the Atlantic. An important addition has been made
during the last week to the list of the prizes which have
been borne away by these charming invaders. Lord St. Simon,
who has shown himself for over twenty years proof against the
little god's arrows, has now definitely announced his
approaching marriage with Miss Hatty Doran, the fascinating
daughter of a California millionaire. Miss Doran, whose
graceful figure and striking face attracted much attention at
the Westbury House festivities , is an only child, and it is
currently reported that her dowry will run to considerably
over the six figures, with expectancies for the future. As it
is an open secret that the Duke of Balmoral has been
compelled to sell his pictures within the last few years, and
as Lord St. Simon has no property of his own save the small
estate of Birchmoor, it is obvious that the Californian
heiress is not the only gainer by an alliance which will
enable her to make the easy and common transition from a
Republican lady to a British peeress."
"Anything else?" asked Holmes,
"Oh, yes; plenty. Then there is
another note in The Morning Post to say that the mariage
would be an absolutely quiet one, that it would be at St.
George's, Hanover Square, that only half a dozen intimate friends
would be invited, and that the party would return to the
furnished house at Lancaster Gate which has been taken by Mr.
Aloysius Doran. Two days later -- that is, on Wednesday last --
there is a curt announcement that the wedding had taken place,
and that the honeymoon would be passed at Lord Backwater's place,
near Petersfield. Those are all the no- tices which appeared
before the disappearance of the bride."
"Before the what?" asked Holmes
with a start.
"The vanishing of the lady."
"When did she vanish, then?"
"At the wedding breakfast."
"Indeed. This is more interesting
than it promised to be; quite dramatic, in fact."
"Yes; it struck me as being a little
out of the common."
"They often vanish before the
ceremony, and occasionally during the honeymoon; but I cannot
call to mind anything quite so prompt as this. Pray let me have
the details."
"I warn you that they are very
"Perhaps we may make them less
"Such as they are, they are set
forth in a single article of a morning paper of yesterday, which
I will read to you. It is headed, 'Singular Occurrence at a
Fashionable Wedding':
"The family of Lord Robert St.
Simon has been thrown into the greatest consternation by the
strange and painful episodes which have taken place in
connection with his wedding. The ceremony, as shortly
announced in the papers of yesterday, occurred on the
previous morning; but it is only now that it has been
possible to confirm the strange rumours which have been so
persistently floating about. In spite of the attempts of the
friends to hush the matter up, so much public attention has
now been drawn to it that no good purpose can be served by
affecting to disregard what is a common subject for
conversation. "The ceremony, which was performed at St.
George's, Hanover Square, was a very quiet one, no one being
present save the father of the bride, Mr. Aloysius Doran, the
Duch- ess of Balmoral, Lord Backwater, Lord Eustace, and Lady
Clara St. Simon (the younger brother and sister of the
bridegroom), and Lady Alicia Whittington. The whole party
proceeded afterwards to the house of Mr. Aloysius Doran, at
Lancaster Gate, where breakfast had been prepared. It appears
that some little trouble was caused by a woman, whose name
has not been ascertained, who endeavoured to force her way
into the house after the bridal party, alleging that she had
some claim upon Lord St. Simon. It was only after a painful
and prolonged scene that she was ejected by the butler and
the footman. The bride, who had fortunately entered the house
before this unpleasant interruption, had sat down to
breakfast with the rest, when she complained of a sudden
indisposition and retired to her room. Her pro- longed
absence having caused some comment, her father followed her,
but learned from her maid that she had only come up to her
chamber for an instant, caught up an ulster and bonnet, and
hurried down to the passage. One of the footmen declared that
he had seen a lady leave the house thus apparelled, but had
refused to credit that it was his mistress, believing her to
be with the company. On ascer- taining that his daughter had
disappeared, Mr. Aloysius Doran, in conjunction with the
bridegroom, instantly put themselves in communication with
the police, and very energetic inquiries are being made,
which will probably result in a speedy clearing up of this
very singular business. Up to a late hour last night,
however, nothing had tran- spired as to the whereabouts of
the missing lady. There are rumours of foul play in the
matter, and it is said that the police have caused the arrest
of the woman who had caused the original disturbance, in the
belief that, from jealousy or some other motive, she may have
been concerned in the strange disappearance of the
"And is that all?"
"Only one little item in another of
the morning papers, but it is a suggestive one."
"And it is --"
"That Miss Flora Millar, the lady
who had caused the distur- bance, has actually been arrested. It
appears that she was for- merly a danseusethe Allegro, and
that she has known the bridegroom for some years. There are no
further particulars, and the whole case is in your hands now --
so far as it has been set forth in the public press."
"And an exceedingly interesting case
it appears to be. I would not have missed it for worlds. But
there is a ring at the bell, Watson, and as the clock makes it a
few minutes after four, I have no doubt that this will prove to
be our noble client. Do not dream of going, Watson, for I very
much prefer having a wit- ness, if only as a check to my own
"Lord Robert St. Simon,"
announced our page-boy, throwing open the door. A gentleman
entered, with a pleasant, cultured face, high-nosed and pale,
with something perhaps of petulance about the mouth, and with the
steady, well-opened eye of a man whose pleasant lot it had ever
been to command and to be obeyed. His manner was brisk, and yet
his general appearance gave an undue impression of age, for he
had a slight forward stoop and a little bend of the knees as he
walked. His hair, too, as he swept off his very curly-brimmed
hat, was grizzled round the edges and thin upon the top. As to
his dress, it was careful to the verge of foppishness, with high
collar, black frock-coat, white waistcoat, yellow gloves,
patent-leather shoes, and light- coloured gaiters. He advanced
slowly into the room, turning his head from left to right, and
swinging in his right hand the cord which held his golden
"Goodday, Lord St. Simon," said
Holmes, rising and bow- ing. "Pray take the basket-chair.
This is my friend and col- league, Dr. Watson. Draw up a little
to the fire, and we will talk this matter over."
"A most painful matter to me, as you
can most readily imagine, Mr. Holmes. I have been cut to the
quick. I understand that you have already managed several
delicate cases of this sort sir, though I presume that they were
hardly from the same class of society."
"No, I am descending."
"I beg pardon."
"My last client of the sort was a
"Oh, really! I had no idea. And
which king?"
"The King of Scandinavia."
"What! Had he lost his wife?"
"You can understand," said
Holmes suavely, "that I extend to the affairs of my other
clients the same secrecy which I promise to you in yours."
"Of course! Very right! very right!
I'm sure I beg pardon. As to my own case, I am ready to give you
any information which may assist you in forming an opinion."
"Thank you. I have already learned
all that is in the public prints, nothing more. I presume that I
may take it as correct -- this article, for example, as to the
disappearance of the bride."
Lord St. Simon glanced over it.
"Yes, it is correct, as far as it goes."
"But it needs a great deal of
supplementing before anyone could offer an opinion. I think that
I may arrive at my facts most directly by questioning you."
"Pray do so."
"When did you first meet Miss Hatty
"In San Francisco, a year ago."
"You were travelling in the
"Did you become engaged then?"
"But you were on a friendly
"I was amused by her society, and
she could see that I was amused."
"Her father is very rich?"
"He is said to be the richest man on
the Pacific slope."
"And how did he make his
"In mining. He had nothing a few
years ago. Then he struck gold, invested it, and came up by leaps
and bounds."
"Now, what is your own impression as
to the young lady's -- your wife's character?"
The nobleman swung his glasses a little
faster and stared down into the fire. "You see, Mr.
Holmes," said he, "my wife was twenty before her father
became a rich man. During that time she ran free in a mining camp
and wandered through woods or mountains, so that her education
has come from Nature rather than from the schoolmaster. She is
what we call in England a tomboy, with a strong nature, wild and
free, unfettered by any sort of traditions. She is impetuous --
volcanic, I was about to say. She is swift in making up her mind
and fearless in cartying out her resolutions. On the other hand,
I would not have given her the name which I have the honour to
bear" -- he gave a little stately cough -- "had not I
thought her to be at bottom a noble woman. I believe that she is
capable of heroic self-sacrifice and that anything dishonourable
would be repugnant to her."
"Have you her photograph?"
"I brought this with me." He
opened a locket and showed us the full face of a very lovely
woman. It was not a photograph but an ivory miniature, and the
artist had brought out the full effect of the lustrous black
hair, the large dark eyes, and the exquisite mouth. Holmes gazed
long and earnestly at it. Then he closed the locket and handed it
back to Lord St. Simon.
"The young lady came to London,
then, and you renewed your acquaintance?"
"Yes, her father brought her over
for this last London season. I met her several times, became
engaged to her, and have now married her."
"She brought. I understand. a
considerable dowry?"
"A fair dowry. Not more than is
usual in my family."
"And this, of course, remains to
you, since the marriage is a fait accompli?"
"I really have made no inquiries on
the subject."
"Very naturally not. Did you see
Miss Doran on the day before the wedding?"
"Was she in good spirits?"
"Never better. She kept talking of
what we should do in our future lives."
"Indeed! That is vety interesting.
And on the morning of the wedding?"
"She was as bright as possible -- at
least until after the ceremony."
"And did you observe any change in
her then?"
"Well, to tell the truth, I saw then
the first signs that I had ever seen that her temper was just a
little sharp. The incident however, was too trivial to relate and
can have no possible bearing upon the case."
"Pray let us have it, for all
"Oh, it is childish. She dropped her
bouquet as we went towards the vestry. She was passing the front
pew at the time, and it fell over into the pew. There was a
moment's delay, but the gentleman in the pew handed it up to her
again, and it did not appear to be the worse for the fall. Yet
when I spoke to her of the matter, she answered me abruptly; and
in the carriage, on our way home, she seemed absurdly agitated
over this trifling cause."
"Indeed! You say that there was a
gentleman in the pew. Some of the general public were present,
"Oh, yes. It is impossible to
exclude them when the church is open."
"This gentleman was not one of your
wife's friends?"
"No, no; I call him a gentleman by
courtesy, but he was quite a common-looking person. I hardly
noticed his appearance. But really I think that we are wandering
rather far from the point."
"Lady St. Simon, then, returned from
the wedding in a less cheerful frame of mind than she had gone to
it. What did she do on reentering her father's house?"
"I saw her in conversation with her
"And who is her maid?"
"Alice is her name. She is an
American and came from California with her."
"A confidential servant?"
"A little too much so. It seemed to
me that her mistress allowed her to take great liberties. Still,
of course, in America they look upon these things in a different
"How long did she speak to this
"Oh, a few minutes. I had something
else to think of."
"You did not overhear what they
"Lady St. Simon said something about
'jumping a claim.' She was accustomed to use slang of the kind. I
have no idea what she meant."
"American slang is very expressive
sometimes. And what did your wife do when she finished speaking
to her maid?"
"She walked into the
"On your arm?"
"No, alone. She was very independent
in little matters like that. Then, after we had sat down for ten
minutes or so, she rose hurriedly, muttered some words of
apology, and left the room. She never came back."
"But this maid, Alice, as I
understand, deposes that she went to her room, covered her
bride's dress with a long ulster, put on a bonnet, and went
"Quite so. And she was afterwards
seen walking into Hyde Park in company with Flora Millar, a woman
who is now in custody, and who had already made a disturbance at
Mr. Doran's house that morning."
"Ah, yes. I should like a few
patticulars as to this young lady, and your relations to
Lord St. Simon shrugged his shoulders and
raised his eye- brows. "We have been on a friendly footing
for some years -- I may say on a very friendly footing.
She used to be at the Allegro. I have not treated her
ungenerously, and she had no just cause of complaint against me,
but you know what women are, Mr. Holmes. Flora was a dear little
thing, but exceedingly hot-headed and devotedly attached to me.
She wrote me dreadful letters when she heard that I was about to
be married, and, to tell the truth, the reason why I had the
marriage celebrated so quietly was that I feared lest there might
be a scandal in the church. She came to Mr. Doran's door just
after we returned, and she en- deavoured to push her way in,
uttering very abusive expressions towards my wife, and even
threatening her, but I had foreseen the possibility of something
of the sort, and I had two police fellows there in private
clothes, who soon pushed her out again. She was quiet when she
saw that there was no good in making a row."
"Did your wife hear all this?"
"No, thank goodness, she did
"And she was seen walking with this
very woman afterwards?"
"Yes. That is what Mr. Lestrade, of
Scotland Yard, looks upon as so serious. It is thought that Flora
decoyed my wife out and laid some terrible trap for her."
"Well, it is a possible
"You think so, too?"
"l did not say a probable one. But
you do not yourself look upon this as likely?"
"I do not think Flora would hurt a
"Still, jealousy is a strange
transformer of characters. Pray what is your own theory as to
what took place?"
"Well, really, I came to seek a
theory, not to propound one. I have given you all the facts.
Since you ask me, however, I may say that it has occurred to me
as possible that the excitement of this affair, the consciousness
that she had made so immense a social stride, had the effect of
causing some little nervous distur- bance in my wife."
"In short, that she had become
suddenly deranged?"
"Well, really, when I consider that
she has turned her back -- I will not say upon me, but upon so
much that many have aspired to without success -- I can hardly
explain it in any other fashion."
"Well, certainly that is also a
conceivable hypothesis," said Holmes, smiling. "And
now, Lord St. Simon, I think that I have nearly all my data. May
I ask whether you were seated at the breakfast-table so that you
could see out of the window?"
"We could see the other side of the
road and the Park."
"Quite so. Then I do not think that
I need to detain you longer. I shall communicate with you."
"Should you be fortunate enough to
solve this problem," said our client, rising.
"I have solved it."
"Eh? What was that?"
"I say that I have solved it."
"Where, then, is my wife?"
"That is a detail which I shall
speedily supply."
Lord St. Simon shook his head. "I am
afraid that it will take wiser heads than yours or mine," he
remarked, and bowing in a stately, old-fashioned manner he
"It is very good of Lord St. Simon
to honour my head by putting it on a level with his own,"
said Sherlock Holmes, laughing. "I think that I shall have a
whisky and soda and a cigar after all this cross-questioning. I
had formed my conclu- sions as to the case before our client came
into the room."
"My dear Holmes!"
"I have notes of several similar
cases, though none, as I remarked before, which were quite as
prompt. My whole exami- nation served to turn my conjecture into
a certainty. Circumstan- tial evidence is occasionally very
convincing, as when you find a trout in the milk, to quote
Thoreau's example."
"But I have heard all that you have
"Without, however, the knowledge of
preexisting cases which serves me so well. There was a parallel
instance in Aberdeen some years back, and something on very much
the same lines at Munich the year after the Franco-Prussian War.
It is one of these cases -- but, hello, here is Lestrade!
Good-afternoon, Lestrade! You will find an extra tumbler upon the
sideboard,.and there are cigars in the box."
The official detective was attired in a
peajacket and cravat, which gave him a decidedly nautical
appearance, and he carried a black canvas bag in his hand. With a
short greeting he seated himself and lit the cigar which had been
offered to him.
"What's up, then?" asked Holmes
with a twinkle in his eye. "You look dissatisfied."
"And I feel dissatisfied. It is this
infernal St. Simon marriage case. I can make neither head nor
tail of the business."
"Really! You surprise me."
"Who ever heard of such a mixed
affair? Every clue seems to slip through my fingers. I have been
at work upon it all day."
"And very wet it seems to have made
you," said Holmes laying his hand upon the arm of the
"Yes, I have been dragging the
"In heaven's name, what for?"
"In search of the body of Lady St.
Sherlock Holmes leaned back in his chair
and laughed heartily.
"Have you dragged the basin of
Trafalgar Square fountain?" he asked.
"Why? What do you mean?"
"Because you have just as good a
chance of finding this lady in the one as in the other."
Lestrade shot an angry glance at my
companion. "I suppose you know all about it," he
"Well, I have only just heard the
facts, but my mind is made up."
"Oh, indeed! Then you think that the
Serpentine plays no part in the maner?"
"I think it very unlikely."
"Then perhaps you will kindly
explain how it is that we found this in it?" He opened his
bag as he spoke, and tumbled onto the floor a wedding-dress of
watered silk, a pair of white satin shoes and a bride's wreath
and veil, all discoloured and soaked in water. "There,"
said he, putting a new wedding-ring upon the top of the pile.
"There is a little nut for you to crack, Master
"Oh, indeed!" said my friend,
blowing blue rings into the air. "You dragged them from the
"No. They were found floating near
the margin by a park- keeper. They have been identified as her
clothes, and it seemed to me that if the clothes were there the
body would not be far off."
"By the same brilliant reasoning,
every man's body is to be found in the neighbourhood of his
wardrobe. And pray what did you hope to arrive at through
"At some evidence implicating Flora
Millar in the disap- pearance."
"I am afraid that you will find it
"Are you, indeed, now?" cried
Lestrade with some bitter- ness. "I am afraid, Holmes, that
you are not very practical with your deductions and your
inferences. You have made two blun- ders in as many minutes. This
dress does implicate Miss Flora Millar."
"And how?"
"In the dress is a pocket. In the
pocket is a card-case. In the card-case is a note. And here is
the very note." He slapped it down upon the table in front
of him. "Listen to this:
"You will see me when all is ready.
Come at once.
"F. H. M. Now my theory all along
has been that Lady St. Simon was decoyed away by Flora Millar,
and that she, with confederates, no doubt, was responsible for
her disappearance. Here, signed with her initials, is the very
note which was no doubt quietly slipped into her hand at the door
and which lured her within their reach."
"Very good, Lestrade," said
Holmes, laughing. "You really are very fine indeed. Let me
see it." He took up the paper in a listless way, but his
attention instantly became riveted, and he gave a little cry of
satisfaction. "This is indeed important," said he.
"Ha! you find it so?"
"Extremely so. I congratulate you
Lestrade rose in his triumph and bent his
head to look. "Why," he shrieked, "you're looking
at the wrong side!"
"On the contrary, this is the right
"The right side? You're mad! Here is
the note written in pencil over here."
"And over here is what appears to be
the fragment of a hotel bill, which interests me deeply."
"There's nothing in it. I looked at
it before," said Lestrade.
" 'Oct. 4th, rooms 8s.,
breakfast 2s. 6d., cocktail 1s., lunch 2s. 6d., glass sherry,
I see nothing in that."
"Very likely not. It is most
important, all the same. As to the note, it is important also, or
at least the initials are, so I congratulate you again."
"I've wasted time enough," said
Lestrade, rising. "I believe in hard work and not in sitting
by the fire spinning fine theories. Good-day, Mr. Holmes, and we
shall see which gets to the bottom of the matter first." He
gathered up the garments, thrust them into the bag, and made for
the door.
"Just one hint to you,
Lestrade," drawled Holmes before his rival vanished; "I
will tell you the true solution of the matter. Lady St. Simon is
a myth. There is not, and there never has been, any such
Lestrade looked sadly at my companion.
Then he turned to me, tapped his forehead three times, shook his
head solemnly, and hurried away.
He had hardly shut the door behind him
when Holmes rose to put on his overcoat. "There is something
in what the fellow says about outdoor work," he remarked,
"so l think, Watson, that I must leave you to your papers
for a little."
It was after five o'clock when Sherlock
Holmes left me, but I had no time to be lonely, for within an
hour there arrived a confectioner's man with a very large flat
box. This he unpacked with the help of a youth whom he had
brought with him, and presently, to my very great astonishment, a
quite epicurean little cold supper began to be laid out upon our
humble lodging-house mahogany. There were a couple of brace of
cold woodcock, a pheasant, a pâté de foie gras pie with
a group of ancient and cobwebby bottles. Having laid out all
these luxuries, my two visitors vanished away, like the genii of
the Arabian Nights, with no explanation save that the things had
been paid for and were ordered to this address.
Just before nine o'clock Sherlock Holmes
stepped briskly into the room. His features were gravely set, but
there was a light in his eye which made me think that he had not
been disappointed in his conclusions.
"They have laid the supper,
then," he said, rubbing his hands.
"You seem to expect company. They
have laid for five."
"Yes, I fancy we may have some
company dropping in," said he. "I am surprised that
Lord St. Simon has not already arrived. Ha! I fancy that I hear
his step now upon the stairs."
It was indeed our visitor of the
afternoon who came bustling in, dangling his glasses more
vigorously than ever, and with a very perturbed expression upon
his aristocratic features.
"My messenger reached you,
then?" asked Holmes.
"Yes, and I confess that the
contents startled me beyond measure. Have you good authority for
what you say?"
"The best possible."
Lord St. Simon sank into a chair and
passed his hand over his forehead.
"What will the Duke say," he
murmured, "when he hears that one of the family has been
subjected to such humiliation?"
"It is the purest accident. I cannot
allow that there is any humiliation. "
"Ah, you look on these things from
another standpoint."
"I fail to see that anyone is to
blame. I can hardly see how the lady could have acted otherwise,
though her abrupt method of doing it was undoubtedly to be
regretted. Having no mother, she had no one to advise her at such
a crisis."
"It was a slight, sir, a public
slight," said Lord St. Simon, tapping his fingers upon the
"You must make allowance for this
poor girl, placed in so unprecedented a position."
"I will make no allowance. I am very
angry indeed, and I have been shamefully used."
"I think that I heard a ring,"
said Holmes. "Yes, there are steps on the landing. If I
cannot persuade you to take a lenient view of the matter, Lord
St. Simon, I have brought an advocate here who may be more
successful." He opened the door and ushered in a lady and
gentleman. "Lord St. Simon," said he "allow me to
introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hay Moulton. The lady, I
think, you have already met."
At the sight of these newcomers our
client had sprung from his seat and stood very erect, with his
eyes cast down and his hand thrust into the breast of his
frock-coat, a picture of offended dignity. The lady had taken a
quick step forward and had held out her hand to him, but he still
refused to raise his eyes. It was as well for his resolution,
perhaps, for her pleading face was one which it was hard to
"You're angry, Robert," said
she. "Well, I guess you have every cause to be."
"Pray make no apology to me,"
said Lord St. Simon bitterly.
"Oh, yes, I know that I have treated
you real bad and that I should have spoken to you before I went;
but I was kind of rattled, and from the time when I saw Frank
here again I just didn't know what I was doing or saying. I only
wonder I didn't fall down and do a faint right there before the
"Perhaps, Mrs. Moulton, you would
like my friend and me to leave the room while you explain this
"If I may give an opinion,"
remarked the strange gentleman, "we've had just a little too
much secrecy over this business already. For my part, I should
like all Europe and America to hear the rights of it." He
was a small, wiry, sunburnt man, clean-shaven, with a sharp face
and alert manner.
"Then I'll tell our story right
away," said the lady. "Frank here and I met in '84, in
McQuire's camp, near the Rockies, where pa was working a claim.
We were engaged to each other, Frank and I; but then one day
father struck a rich pocket and made a pile, while poor Frank
here had a claim that petered out and came to nothing. The richer
pa grew the poorer was Frank; so at last pa wouldn't hear of our
engagement lasting any longer, and he took me away to 'Frisco.
Frank wouldn't throw up his hand, though; so he followed me
there, and he saw me without pa knowing anything about it. It
would only have made him mad to know, so we just fixed it all up
for ourselves. Frank said that he would go and make his pile,
too, and never come back to claim me until he had as much as pa.
So then I promised to wait for him to the end of time and pledged
myself not to marry anyone else while he lived. 'Why shouldn't we
be married right away, then,' said he, 'and then I will feel sure
of you; and I won't claim to be your husband until I come back?'
Well, we talked it over, and he had fixed it all up so nicely,
with a clergyman all ready in waiting, that we just did it right
there; and then Frank went off to seek his fortune, and I went
back to pa.
"The next I heard of Frank was that
he was in Montana, and then he went prospecting in Arizona, and
then I heard of him from New Mexico. After that came a long
newspaper story about how a miners' camp had been attacked by
Apache Indians, and there was my Frank's name among the killed. I
fainted dead away, and I was very sick for months after. Pa
thought I had a decline and took me to half the doctors in
'Frisco. Not a word of news came for a year and more, so that I
never doubted that Frank was really dead. Then Lord St. Simon
came to 'Frisco, and we came to London, and a marriage was
arranged, and pa was very pleased, but I felt all the time that
no man on this earth would ever take the place in my heart that
had been given to my poor Frank.
"Still, if I had married Lord St.
Simon, of course I'd have done my duty by him. We can't command
our love, but we can our actions. I went to the altar with him
with the intention to make him just as good a wife as it was in
me to be. But you may imagine what I felt when, just as I came to
the altar rails, I glanced back and saw Frank standing and
looking at me out of the first pew. I thought it was his ghost at
first; but when I looked again there he was still, with a kind of
question in his eyes, as if to ask me whether I were glad or
sorry to see him. I wonder I didn't drop. I know that everything
was turning round, and the words of the clergyman were just like
the buzz of a bee in my ear. I didn't know what to do. Should I
stop the service and make a scene in the church? I glanced at him
again, and he seemed to know what I was thinking, for he raised
his finger to his lips to tell me to be still. Then I saw him
scribble on a piece of paper, and I knew that he was writing me a
note. As I passed his pew on the way out I dropped my bouquet
over to him, and he slipped the note into my hand when he
returned me the flowers. It was only a line asking me to join him
when he made the sign to me to do so. Of course I never doubted
for a moment that my first duty was now to him, and I determined
to do just whatever he might direct.
"When I got back I told my maid, who
had known him in California, and had always been his friend. I
ordered her to say nothing, but to get a few things packed and my
ulster ready. I know I ought to have spoken to Lord St. Simon,
but it was dreadful hard before his mother and all those great
people. I just made up my mind to run away and explain
afterwards. I hadn't been at the table ten minutes before I saw
Frank out of the window at the other side of the road. He
beckoned to me and then began walking into the Park. I slipped
out, put on my things, and followed him. Some woman came talking
something or other about Lord St. Simon to me -- seemed to me
from the little I heard as if he had a little secret of his own
before marriage also -- but I managed to get away from her and
soon overtook Frank. We got into a cab together, and away we
drove to some lodgings he had taken in Gordon Square, and that
was my true wedding after all those years of waiting. Frank had
been a prisoner among the Apaches, had escaped, came on to
'Frisco, found that I had given him up for dead and had gone to
England, followed me there, and had come upon me at last on the
very morning of my second wedding."
"I saw it in a paper,"
explained the American. "It gave the name and the church but
not where the lady lived."
"Then we had a talk as to what we
should do, and Frank was all for openness, but I was so ashamed
of it all that I felt as if I should like to vanish away and
never see any of them again -- just sending a line to pa,
perhaps, to show him that I was alive. It was awful to me to
think of all those lords and ladies sitting round that
breakfast-table and waiting for me to come back. So Frank took my
wedding-clothes and things and made a bundle of them, so that I
should not be traced, and dropped them away somewhere where no
one could find them. It is likely that we should have gone on to
Paris to-morrow, only that this good gentleman, Mr. Holmes, came
round to us this evening, though how he found us is more than I
can think, and he showed us very clearly and kindly that I was
wrong and that Frank was right, and that we should be putting
ourselves in the wrong if we were so secret. Then he offered to
give us a chance of talking to Lord St. Simon alone, and so we
came right away round to his rooms at once. Now, Robert, you have
heard it all, and I am very sorry if I have given you pain, and I
hope that you do not think very meanly of me."
Lord St. Simon had by no means relaxed
his rigid attitude, but had listened with a frowning brow and a
compressed lip to this long narrative.
"Excuse me," he said, "but
it is not my custom to discuss my most intimate personal affairs
in this public manner."
"Then you won't forgive me? You
won't shake hands before I go?"
"Oh, certainly, if it would give you
any pleasure." He put out his hand and coldly grasped that
which she extended to him.
"I had hoped," suggested
Holmes, "that you would have joined us in a friendly
"I think that there you ask a little
too much," responded his Lordship. "I may be forced to
acquiesce in these recent develop- ments, but I can hardly be
expected to make merry over them. I think that with your
permission I will now wish you all a very good-night." He
included us all in a sweeping bow and stalked out of the room.
"Then I trust that you at least will
honour me with your company," said Sherlock Holmes. "It
is always a joy to meet an American, Mr. Moulton, for I am one of
those who believe that the folly of a monarch and the blundering
of a minister in far-gone years will not prevent our children
from being some day citizens of the same world-wide country under
a flag which shall be a quartering of the Union Jack with the
Stars and Stripes."
"The case has been an interesting
one," remarked Holmes when our visitors had left us,
"because it serves to show very clearly how simple the
explanation may be of an affair which at first sight seems to be
almost inexplicable. Nothing could be more natural than the
sequence of events as narrated by this lady, and nothing stranger
than the result when viewed, for instance by Mr. Lestrade, of
Scotland Yard."
"You were not yourself at fault at
all, then?"
"From the first, two facts were very
obvious to me, the one that the lady had been quite willing to
undergo the wedding ceremony, the other that she had repented of
it within a few minutes of returning home. Obviously something
had occurred during the morning, then, to cause her to change her
mind. What could that something be? She could not have spoken to
anyone when she was out, for she had been in the company of the
bridegroom. Had she seen someone, then? If she had, it must be
someone from America because she had spent so short a time in
this country that she could hardly have allowed anyone to ac-
quire so deep an influence over her that the mere sight of him
would induce her to change her plans so completely. You see we
have already arrived, by a process of exclusion, at the idea that
she might have seen an American. Then who could this Ameri- can
be, and why should he possess so much influence over her? It
might be a lover; it might be a husband. Her young woman- hood
had, I knew, been spent in rough scenes and under strange
conditions. So far I had got before I ever heard Lord St. Simon's
narrative. When he told us of a man in a pew, of the change in
the bride's manner, of so transparent a device for obtaining a
note as the dropping of a bouquet, of her resort to her confiden-
tial maid, and of her very significant allusion to claimjumping
-- which in miners' parlance means taking possession of that
which another person has a prior claim to -- the whole situation
became absolutely clear. She had gone off with a man, and the man
was either a lover or was a previous husband -- the chances being
in favour of the latter."
"And how in the world did you find
"It might have been difficult, but
friend Lestrade held infor- mation in his hands the value of
which he did not himself know. The initials were, of course, of
the highest importance, but more valuable still was it to know
that within a week he had settled his bill at one of the most
select London hotels."
"How did you deduce the
"By the select prices. Eight
shillings for a bed and eightpence for a glass of sherry pointed
to one of the most expensive hotels. There are not many in London
which charge at that rate. In the second one which I visited in
Northumberland Avenue, I learned by an inspection of the book
that Francis H. Moulton, an Ameri- can gentleman, had left only
the day before, and on looking over the entries against him, I
came upon the very items which I had seen in the duplicate bill.
His letters were to be forwarded to 226 Gordon Square; so thither
I travelled, and being fortunate enough to find the loving couple
at home, l ventured to give them some paternal advice and to
point out to them that it would be better in every way that they
should make their position a little clearer both to the general
public and to Lord St. Simon in particular. I invited them to
meet him here, and, as you see, I made him keep the
"But with no very good result,"
I remarked. "His conduct was certainly not very
"Ah, Watson," said Holmes,
smiling, "perhaps you would not be very gracious either, if,
after all the trouble of wooing and wedding, you found yourself
deprived in an instant of wife and of fortune. I think that we
may judge Lord St. Simon very mercifully and thank our stars that
we are never likely to find ourselves in the same position. Draw
your chair up and hand me my violin, for the only problem we have
still to solve is how to while away these bleak autumnal
Certain Facts:
Of all the problems which have been submitted to my
friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, for solution during the years of our intimacy, there were
only two which I was the means of intro- ducing to his notice -- that of Mr. Hatherley's
thumb, and that of Colonel Warburton's madness. Of these the latter may have afforded a
finer field for an acute and original observer, but the other was so strange in its
inception and so dramatic in its details that it may be the more worthy of being placed
upon record, even if it gave my friend fewer openings for those deductive methods of
reasoning by which he achieved such remarkable results. The story has, I believe, been
told more than once in the newspapers, but, like all such narratives, its effect is much
less striking when set forth en bloc in a single half-column of print than when the facts
slowly evolve before your own eyes, and the mystery clears gradually away as each new
discovery furnishes a step which leads on to the complete truth. At the time the
circumstances made a deep impression upon me, and the lapse of two years has hardly served
to weaken the effect.
It was in the summer of '89, not long after my marriage, that the events occurred which I
am now about to summarize. I had returned to civil practice and had finally abandoned
Holmes in his Baker Street rooms, although I continually visited him and occasionally even
persuaded him to forgo his Bohemian habits so far as to come and visit us. My practice had
steadily in- creased, and as I happened to live at no very great distance from Paddington
Station, I got a few patients from among the offi- cials. One of these, whom I had cured
of a painful and lingering disease, was never weary of advertising my virtues and of en-
deavouring to send me on every sufferer over whom he might have any influence.
One morning, at a little before seven o'clock, I was awakened by the maid tapping at the
door to announce that two men had come from Paddington and were waiting in the
consulting-room. I dressed hurriedly, for I knew by experience that railway cases were
seldom trivial, and hastened downstairs. As I descended, my old ally, the guard, came out
of the room and closed the door tightly behind him.
"I've got him here," he whispered, jerking his thumb over his shoulder;
"he's all right."
"What is it, then?" I asked, for his manner suggested that it was some strange
creature which he had caged up in my room.
"It's a new patient," he whispered. "I thought I'd bring him round myself;
then he couldn't slip away. There he is, all safe and sound. I must go now, Doctor; I have
my dooties, just the same as you." And off he went, this trusty tout, without even
giving me time to thank him.
I entered my consulting-room and found a gentleman seated by the table. He was quietly
dressed in a suit of heather tweed with a soft cloth cap which he had laid down upon my
books. Round one of his hands he had a handkerchief wrapped, which was mottled all over
with bloodstains. He was young, not more than five-and-twenty, I should say, with a
strong, masculine face; but he was exceedingly pale and gave me the impression of a man
who was suffering from some strong agitation, which it took all his strength of mind to
"I am sorry to knock you up so early, Doctor," said he, "but I have had a
very serious accident during the night. I came in by train this morning, and on inquiring
at Paddington as to where I might find a doctor, a worthy fellow very kindly escorted me
here. I gave the maid a card, but I see that she has left it upon the side-table." I
took it up and glanced at it. "Mr. Victor Hatherley, hydrau- iic engineer, 1 6A.
Victoria Street (3d floor) . " That was the name, style, and abode of my morning
visitor. "I regret that I have kept you waiting," said I, sitting down in my
library-chair. "You are fresh from a night journey, I understand, which is in itself
a monotonous occupation."
"Oh, my night could not be called monotonous," said he, and laughed. He laughed
very heartily, with a high, ringing note, leaning back in his chair and shaking his sides.
All my medical instincts rose up against that laugh.
"Stop it!" I cried; "pull yourself together!" and I poured out some
water from a carafe.
It was useless, however. He was off in one of those hysterical outbursts which come upon a
strong nature when some great crisis is over and gone. Presently he came to himself once
more, very weary and pale-looking.
"I have been making a fool of myself," he gasped.
"Not at ail. Drink this." I dashed some brandy into the water, and the colour
began to come back to his bloodless cheeks.
"That's better!" said he. "And now, Doctor, perhaps you would kindly attend
to my thumb, or rather to the place where my thumb used to be."
He unwound the handkerchief and held out his hand. It gave even my hardened nerves a
shudder to look at it. There were four protruding fingers and a horrid red, spongy surface
where the thumb should have been. It had been hacked or torn right out from the roots.
"Good heavens!" I cried, "this is a terrible injury. It must have bled
"Yes, it did. I fainted when it was done, and I think that I must have been senseless
for a long time. When I came to I found that it was still bleeding, sol tied one end of my
handker- chief very tightly round the wrist and braced it up with a twig."
"Excellent! You should have been a surgeon."
"It is a question of hydraulics, you see, and came within my own province."
"This has been done," said I, examining the wound, "by a very heavy and
sharp instrument."
"A thing like a cleaver," said he.
"An accident, I presume?"
"By no means."
"What! a murderous attack?''
"Very murderous indeed."
"You horrify me."
I sponged the wound, cleaned it, dressed it, and finally cov- ered it over with cotton
wadding and carbolized bandages. He lay back without wincing, though he bit his lip from
time to time.
"How is that?" I asked when I had finished.
"Capital! Between your brandy and your bandage, I feel a new man. I was very weak,
but I have had a good deal to go through."
"Perhaps you had better not speak of the matter. It is evi- dently trying to your
"Oh, no, not now. I shall have to tell my tale to the police; but, between ourselves,
if it were not for the convincing evi- dence of this wound of mine, I should be surprised
if they believed my statement, for it is a very extraordinary one, and I have not much in
the way of proof with which to back it up; and, even if they believe me, the clues which I
can give them are so vague that it is a question whether justice will be done."
"Ha!" cried I, "if it is anything in the nature of a problem which you
desire to see solved, I should strongly recommend you to come to my friend, Mr. Sherlock
Holmes, before you go to the official police."
"Oh, I have heard of that fellow," answered my visitor, "and I should be
very glad if he would take the matter up, though of course I must use the official police
as well. Would you give me an introduction to him?"
"I'll do better. I'll take you round to him myself."
"I should be immensely obliged to you."
"We'll call a cab and go together. We shall just be in time to have a little
breakfast with him. Do you feel equal to it?"
"Yes; I shall not feel easy until I have told my story."
"Then my servant will call a cab, and I shall be with you in an instant." I
rushed upstairs, explained the matter shortly to my wife, and in five minutes was inside a
hansom, driving with my new acquaintance to Baker Street.
Sherlock Holmes was, as I expected, lounging about his sitting- room in his dressing-gown,
reading the agony column of The Times and smoking his before-breakfast pipe, which was
com- posed of all the plugs and dottles left from his smokes of the day before, all
carefully dried and collected on the corner of the mantelpiece. He received us in his
quietly genial fashion, or- dered fresh rashers and eggs, and joined us in a hearty meal.
When it was concluded he settled our new acquaintance upon the sofa, placed a pillow
beneath his head, and laid a glass of brandy and water within his reach.
"It is easy to see that your experience has been no common one, Mr. Hatherley,"
said he. "Pray, lie down there and make yourself absolutely at home. Tell us what you
can, but stop when you are tired and keep up your strength with a little stimulant."
"Thank you," said my patient. "but I have felt another man since the doctor
bandaged me, and I think that your breakfast has completed the cure. I shall take up as
little of your valuable time as possible, so l shall start at once upon my peculiar
Holmes sat in his big armchair with the weary, heavy-lidded expression which veiled his
keen and eager nature, while I sat opposite to him, and we listened in silence to the
strange story which our visitor detailed to us.
"You must know," said he, "that I am an orphan and a bachelor, residing
alone in lodgings in London. By profession I am a hydraulic engineer, and I have had
considerable experience of my work during the seven years that I was apprenticed to Venner
& Matheson, the well-known firm, of Greenwich. Two years ago, having served my time,
and having also come into a fair sum of money through my poor father's death, I determined
to start in business for myself and took professional chambers in Victoria Street.
"I suppose that everyone finds his first independent start in business a dreary
experience. To me it has been exceptionally so. During two years I have had three
consultations and one small job, and that is absolutely all that my profession has brought
me. My gross takings amount to 27 pounds lOs. Every day, from nine in the morning until
four in the afternoon, I waited in my little den, until at last my heart began to sink,
and I came to believe that I should never have any practice at all.
"Yesterday, however, just as I was thinking of leaving the office, my clerk entered
to say there was a gentleman waiting who wished to see me upon business. He brought up a
card, too, with the name of 'Colonel Lysander Stark' engraved upon it. Close at his heels
came the colonel himself, a man rather over the middle size, but of an exceeding thinness.
I do not think that I have ever seen so thin a man. His whole face sharpened away into
nose and chin, and the skin of his cheeks was drawn quite tense over his outstanding
bones. Yet this emaciation seemed to be his natural habit, and due to no disease, for his
eye was bright, his step brisk, and his bearing assured. He was plainly but neatly
dressed, and his age, I should judge, would be nearer forty than thirty.
" 'Mr. Hatherley?' said he, with something of a German accent. 'You have been
recommended to me, Mr. Hatherley, as being a man who is not only proficient in his
profession but is also discreet and capable of preserving a secret.'
"I bowed, feeling as flattered as any young man would at such an address. 'May I ask
who it was who gave me so good a character?'
" 'Well, perhaps it is better that I should not tell you that just at this moment. I
have it from the same source that you are both an orphan and a bachelor and are residing
alone in London.'
" 'That is quite correct,' I answered; 'but you will excuse me if I say that I cannot
see how all this bears upon my professional qualifications. I understand that it was on a
professional matter that you wished to speak to me?'
" 'Undoubtedly so. But you will find that all I say is really to the point. I have a
professional commission for you, but absolute secrecy is quite essential -- absolute
secrecy, you understand, and of course we may expect that more from a man who is alone
than from one who lives in the bosom of his family.'
" 'If I promise to keep a secret,' said I, 'you may absolutely depend upon my doing
"He looked very hard at me as I spoke, and it seemed to me that I had never seen so
suspicious and questioning an eye.
" 'Do you promise, then?' said he at last.
" 'Yes, I promise.'
" 'Absolute and complete silence before, during, and after? No reference to the
matter at all, either in word or writing?'
" 'I have already given you my word.'
" 'Very good.' He suddenly sprang up, and darting like light- ning across the room he
flung open the door. The passage outside was empty.
" 'That's all right,' said he, coming back. 'I know the clerks are sometimes curious
as to their master's affairs. Now we can talk in safety.' He drew up his chair very close
to mine and began to stare at me again with the same questioning and thought- ful look.
"A feeling of repulsion, and of something akin to fear had begun to rise within me at
the strange antics of this fleshless man. Even my dread of losing a client could not
restrain me from showing my impatience.
" 'I beg that you will state your business, sir,' said l; 'my time is of value.'
Heaven forgive me for that last sentence, but the words came to my lips.
" 'How would fifty guineas for a night's work suit you?' he asked.
" 'Most admirably.'
" 'I say a night's work, but an hour's would be nearer the mark. I simply want your
opinion about a hydraulic stamping machine which has got out of gear. If you show us what
is wrong we shall soon set it right ourselves. What do you think of such a commission as
" 'The work appears to be light and the pay munificent.'
" 'Precisely so. We shall want you to come to-night by the last train.'
" 'Where to?'
" 'To Eyford, in Berkshire. It is a little place near the borders of Oxfordshire, and
within seven miles of Reading. There is a train from Paddington which would bring you
there at about 11:15.'
" 'Very good.'
" 'I shall come down in a carriage to meet you.'
" 'There is a drive, then?'
" 'Yes, our little place is quite out in the country. It is a good seven miles from
Eyford Station.'
" 'Then we can hardly get there before midnight. I suppose there would be no chance
of a train back. I should be compelled to stop the night.'
" 'Yes, we could easily give you a shake-down.'
" 'That is very awkward. Could I not come at some more convenient hour?'
" 'We have judged it best that you should come late. It is to recompense you for any
inconvenience that we are paying to you, a young and unknown man, a fee which would buy an
opinion from the very heads of your profession. Still, of course, if you would like to
draw out of the business, there is plenty of time to do so.'
"I thought of the fifty guineas, and of how very useful they would be to me. 'Not at
all,' said I, 'I shall be very happy to accommodate myself to your wishes. I should like,
however, to understand a little more clearly what it is that you wish me to do.'
" 'Quite so. It is very natural that the pledge of secrecy which we have exacted from
you should have aroused your curiosity. I have no wish to commit you to anything without
your having it all laid before you. I suppose that we are absolutely safe from
" 'Entirely.'
" 'Then the matter stands thus. You are probably aware that fuller's-earth is a
valuable product, and that it is only found in one or two places in England?'
" 'I have heard so.'
" 'Some little time ago I bought a small place -- a very small place -- within ten
miles of Reading. I was fortunate enough to discover that there was a deposit of
fuller's-earth in one of my fields. On examining it, however, I found that this deposit
was a comparatively small one, and that it formed a link between two very much larger ones
upon the right and left -- both of them, however, in the grounds of my neighbours. These
good people were absolutely ignorant that their land contained that which was quite as
valuable as a gold-mine. Naturally, it was to my interest to buy their land before they
discovered its true value, but unfortunately I had no capital by which I could do this. I
took a few of my friends into the secret, however, and they suggested that we should
quietly and secretly work our own little deposit and that in this way we should earn the
money which would enable us to buy the neighbouring fields. This we have now been doing
for some time, and in order to help us in our operations we erected a hydraulic press.
This press, as I have already ex- plained, has got out of order, and we wish your advice
upon the subject. We guard our secret very jealously, however, and if it once became known
that we had hydraulic engineers coming to our little house, it would soon rouse inquiry,
and then, if the facts came out, it would be good-bye to any chance of getting these
fields and carrying out our plans. That is why I have made you promise me that you will
not tell a human being that you are going to Eyford to-night. I hope that I make it all
" 'I quite follow you,' said I. 'The only point which I could not quite understand
was what use you could make of a hydraulic press in excavating fuller's-earth, which, as I
understand, is dug out like gravel from a pit.'
" 'Ah!' said he carelessly, 'we have our own process. We compress the earth into
bricks, so as to remove them without revealing what they are. But that is a mere detail. I
have taken you fully into my confidence now, Mr. Hatherley, and I have shown you how I
trust you.' He rose as he spoke. 'I shall expect you, then, at Eyford at 11:15.'
" 'I shall certainly be there.'
" 'And not a word to a soul.' He looked at me with a last long, questioning gaze, and
then, pressing my hand in a cold, dank grasp, he hurried from the room.
"Well, when I came to think it all over in cool blood I was very much astonished, as
you may both think, at this sudden commission which had been intrusted to me. On the one
hand, of course, I was glad, for the fee was at least tenfold what I should have asked had
I set a price upon my own services, and it was possible that this order might lead to
other ones. On the other hand, the face and manner of my patron had made an unpleasant
impression upon me, and I could not think that his explanation of the fuller's-earth was
sufficient to explain the necessity for my coming at midnight, and his extreme anxiety
lest I should tell anyone of my errand. However, I threw all fears to the winds, ate a
hearty supper, drove to Paddington, and started off, having obeyed to the letter the
injunction as to holding my tongue.
"At Reading I had to change not only my carriage but my station. However, I was in
time for the last train to Eyford, and I reached the little dim-lit station aher eleven
o'clock. I was the only passenger who got out there, and there was no one upon the
platform save a single sleepy porter with a lantern. As I passed out through the wicket
gate, however, I found my acquaintance of the morning waiting in the shadow upon the other
side. Without a word he grasped my arm and hurried me into a carriage, the door of which
was standing open. He drew up the windows on either side, tapped on the wood-work, and
away we went as fast as the horse could go."
"One horse?" interjected Holmes.
"Yes, only one."
"Did you observe the colour?"
"Yes, I saw it by the side-lights when I was stepping into the carriage. It was a
"Tired-looking or fresh?"
"Oh, fresh and glossy."
"Thank you. I am sorry to have interrupted you. Pray con- tinue your most interesting
"Away we went then, and we drove for at least an hour. Colonel Lysander Stark had
said that it was only seven miles, but I should think, from the rate that we seemed to go,
and from the time that we took, that it must have been nearer twelve. He sat at my side in
silence all the time, and I was aware, more than once when I glanced in his direction,
that he was looking at me with great intensity. The country roads seem to be not very good
in that part of the world, for we lurched and jolted terribly. I tried to look out of the
windows to see something of where we were, but they were made of frosted glass, and I
could make out nothing save the occasional bright blur of a passing light. Now and then I
hazarded some remark to break the monotony of the journey, but the colonel answered only
in monosyllables, and the conversation soon flagged. At last, however, the bumping of the
road was exchanged for the crisp smoothness of a gravel-drive, and the carriage came to a
stand. Colonel Lysander Stark sprang out, and, as I followed after him, pulled me swiftly
into a porch which gaped in front of us. We stepped, as it were, right out of the carriage
and into the hall, so that I failed to catch the most fleeting glance of the front of the
house. The instant that I had crossed the threshold the door slammed heavily behind us,
and I heard faintly the rattle of the wheels as the carriage drove away.
"It was pitch dark inside the house, and the colonel fumbled about looking for
matches and muttering under his breath. Sud- denly a door opened at the other end of the
passage, and a long, golden bar of light shot out in our direction. It grew broader, and a
woman appeared with a lamp in her hand, which she held above her head, pushing her face
forward and peering at us. I could see that she was pretty, and from the gloss with which
the light shone upon her dark dress I knew that it was a rich material. She spoke a few
words in a foreign tongue in a tone as though asking a question, and when my companion
answered in a gruff monosyllable she gave such a start that the lamp nearly fell from her
hand. Colonel Stark went up to her, whispered something in her ear, and then, pushing her
back into the room from whence she had come, he walked towards me again with the lamp in
his hand.
" 'Perhaps you will have the kindness to wait in this room for a few minutes,' said
he, throwing open another door. It was a quiet, little, plainly furnished room, with a
round table in the centre, on which several German books were scattered. Colonel Stark
laid down the lamp on the top of a harmonium beside the door. 'I shall not keep you
waiting an instant,' said he, and vanished into the darkness. "I glanced at the books
upon the table, and in spite of my ignorance of German I could see that two of them were
treatises on science, the others being volumes of poetry. Then I walked across to the
window, hoping that I might catch some glimpse of the country-side, but an oak shutter,
heavily barred, was folded across it. It was a wonderfully silent house. There was an old
clock ticking loudly somewhere in the passage, but otherwise everything was deadly still.
A vague feeling of uneasiness began to steal over me. Who were these German people, and
what were they doing living in this strange, out-of-the-way place? And where was the
place? I was ten miles or so from Eyford, that was all I knew, but whether north, south,
east, or west I had no idea. For that matter, Reading, and possibly other large towns,
were within that radius, so the place might not be so secluded, after all. Yet it was
quite certain, from the absolute stillness, that we were in the country. I paced up and
down the room, humming a tune under my breath to keep up my spirits and feeling that I was
thoroughly earning my fifty-guinea fee.
"Suddenly, without any preliminary sound in the midst of the utter stillness, the
door of my room swung slowly open. The woman was standing in the aperture, the darkness of
the hall behind her, the yellow light from my lamp beating upon her eager and beautiful
face. I could see at a glance that she was sick with fear, and the sight sent a chill to
my own heart. She held up one shaking finger to warn me to be silent, and she shot a few
whispered words of broken English at me, her eyes glancing back, like those of a
frightened horse, into the gloom behind her.
" 'I would go,' said she, trying hard, as it seemed to me, to speak calmly; 'I would
go. I should not stay here. There is no good for you to do.'
" 'But, madam,' said I, 'I have not yet done what I came for. I cannot possibly leave
until I have seen the machine.'
" 'It is not worth your while to wait,' she went on. 'You can pass through the door;
no one hinders.' And then, seeing that I smiled and shook my head, she suddenly threw
aside her con- straint and made a step forward, with her hands wrung together. 'For the
love of Heaven!' she whispered, 'get away from here before it is too late!'
"But I am somewhat headstrong by nature, and the more ready to engage in an affair
when there is some obstacle in the way. I thought of my fifty-guinea fee, of my wearisome
journey, and of the unpleasant night which seemed to be before me. Was it all to go for
nothing? Why should I slink away without having carried out my commission, and without the
payment which was my due? This woman might, for all I knew, be a monomaniac. With a stout
bearing, therefore, though her manner had shaken me more than I cared to confess, I still
shook my head and declared my intention of remaining where I was. She was about to renew
her entreaties when a door slammed overhead, and the sound of several footsteps was heard
upon the stairs. She listened for an instant, threw up her hands with a despairing
gesture, and vanished as suddenly and as noiselessly as she had come.
"The newcomers were Colonel Lysander Stark and a short thick man with a chinchilla
beard growing out of the creases of his double chin, who was introduced to me as Mr.
" 'This is my secretary and manager,' said the colonel. 'By the way, I was under the
impression that I left this door shut just now. I fear that you have felt the draught.'
" 'On the contrary,' said I, 'I opened the door myself because I felt the room to be
a little close.'
"He shot one of his suspicious looks at me. 'Perhaps we had better proceed to
business, then,' said he. 'Mr. Ferguson and I will take you up to see the machine.'
" 'I had better put my hat on, I suppose.'
" 'Oh, no, it is in the house.'
" 'What, you dig fuller's-earth in the house?'
" 'No, no. This is only where we compress it. But never mind that. All we wish you to
do is to examine the machine and to let us know what is wrong with it.'
"We went upstairs together, the colonel first with the lamp, the fat manager and I
behind him. It was a labyrinth of an old house, with corridors, passages, narrow winding
staircases, and little low doors, the thresholds of which were hollowed out by the
generations who had crossed them. There were no carpets and no signs of any furniture
above the ground floor, while the plaster was peeling off the walls, and the damp was
breaking through in green, unhealthy blotches. I tried to put on as uncon- cerned an air
as possible, but I had not forgotten the warnings of the lady, even though I disregarded
them, and I kept a keen eye upon my two companions. Ferguson appeared to be a morose and
silent man, but I could see from the little that he said that he was at least a
"Colonel Lysander Stark stopped at last before a low door, which he unlocked. Within
was a small, square room, in which the three of us could hardly get at one time. Ferguson
remained outside, and the colonel ushered me in.
" 'We are now,' said he, 'actually within the hydraulic press, and it would be a
particularly unpleasant thing for us if anyone were to turn it on. The ceiling of this
small chamber is really the end of the descending piston, and it comes down with the force
of many tons upon this metal floor. There are small lateral columns of water outside which
receive the force, and which transmit and multiply it in the manner which is familiar to
you. The machine goes readily enough, but there is some stiffness in the working of it,
and it has lost a little of its force. Perhaps you will have the goodness to look it over
and to show us how we can set it right.'
"I took the lamp from him, and I examined the machine very thoroughly. It was indeed
a gigantic one, and capable of exercis- ing enormous pressure. When I passed outside,
however, and pressed down the levers which controlled it, I knew at once by the whishing
sound that there was a slight leakage, which al- lowed a regurgitation of water through
one of the side cylinders. An examination showed that one of the india-rubber bands which
was round the head of a driving-rod had shrunk so as not quite to fill the socket along
which it worked. This was clearly the cause of the loss of power, and I pointed it out to
my companions, who followed my remarks very carefully and asked several practical
questions as to how they should proceed to set it right. When I had made it clear to them,
I returned to the main chamber of the machine and took a good look at it to satisfy my own
curiosity. It was obvious at a glance that the story of the fuller's-earth was the merest
fabrication, for it would be absurd to suppose that so powerful an engine could be
designed for so inadequate a pur- pose. The walls were of wood, but the floor consisted of
a large iron trough, and when I came to examine it I could see a crust of metallic deposit
all over it. I had stooped and was scraping at this to see exactly what it was when I
heard a muttered exclama- tion in German and saw the cadaverous face of the colonel
looking down at me.
" 'What are you doing there?' he asked.
"I felt angry at having been tricked by so elaborate a story as that which he had
told me. 'I was admiring your fuller's-earth,' said I; 'I think that I should be better
able to advise you as to your machine if I knew what the exact purpose was for which it
was used.'
"The instant that I uttered the words I regretted the rashness of my speech. His face
set hard, and a baleful light sprang up in his gray eyes.
" 'Very well,' said he, 'you shall know all about the ma- chine.' He took a step
backward, slammed the little door, and turned the key in the lock. I rushed towards it and
pulled at the handle, but it was quite secure, and did not give in the least to my kicks
and shoves. 'Hello!' I yelled. 'Hello! Colonel! Let me out!'
"And then suddenly in the silence I heard a sound which sent my heart into my mouth.
It was the clank of the levers and the swish of the leaking cylinder. He had set the
engine at work. The lamp still stood upon the floor where I had placed it when examining
the trough. By its light I saw that the black ceiling was coming down upon me, slowly,
jerkily, but, as none knew better than myself, with a force which must within a minute
grind me to a shapeless pulp. I threw myself, screaming, against the door, and dragged
with my nails at the lock. I implored the colonel to let me out, but the remorseless
clanking of the levers drowned my cries. The ceiling was only a foot or two above my head,
and with my hand upraised I could feel its hard, rough surface. Then it flashed through my
mind that the pain of my death would depend very much upon the position in which I met it.
If I lay on my face the weight would come upon my spine, and I shuddered to think of that
dreadful snap. Easier the other way, perhaps; and yet, had I the nerve to lie and look up
at that deadly black shadow wavering down upon me? Already I was unable to stand erect,
when my eye caught something which brought a gush of hope back to my heart.
"I have said that though the floor and ceiling were of iron, the walls were of wood.
As I gave a last hurried glance around, I saw a thin line of yellow light between two of
the boards, which broadened and broadened as a small panel was pushed backward. For an
instant I could hardly believe that here was indeed a door which led away from death. The
next instant I threw myself through, and lay half-fainting upon the other side. The panel
had closed again behind me, but the crash of the lamp, and a few moments afterwards the
clang of the two slabs of metal, told me how narrow had been my escape.
"I was recalled to myself by a frantic plucking at my wrist, and I found myself lying
upon the stone floor of a narrow corridor, while a woman bent over me and tugged at me
with her left hand, while she held a candle in her right. It was the same good friend
whose warning I had so foolishly rejected.
" 'Come! come!' she cried breathlessly. 'They will be here in a moment. They will see
that you are not there. Oh, do not waste the so-precious time, but come!'
"This time, at least, I did not scorn her advice. I staggered to my feet and ran with
her along the corridor and down a winding stair. The latter led to ancther broad passage,
and just as we reached it we heard the sound of running feet and the shouting of two
voices, one answering the other from the floor on which we were and from the one beneath.
My guide stopped and looked about her like one who is at her wit's end. Then she threw
open a door which led into a bedroom, through the window of which the moon was shining
" 'It is your only chance,' said she. 'It is high, but it may be that you can jump
"As she spoke a light sprang into view at the further end of the passage, and I saw
the lean figure of Colonel Lysander Stark rushing forward with a lantern in one hand and a
weapon like a butcher's cleaver in the other. I rushed across the bedroom, flung open the
window, and looked out. How quiet and sweet and wholesome the garden looked in the
moonlight, and it could not be more than thirty feet down. I clambered out upon the sill,
but I hesitated to jump until I should have heard what passed be- tween my saviour and the
ruffian who pursued me. If she were ill-used, then at any risks I was determined to go
back to her assistance. The thought had hardly flashed through my mind before he was at
the door, pushing his way past her; but she threw her arms round him and tried to hold him
" 'Fritz! Fritz!' she cried in English, 'remember your promise after the last time.
You said it should not be again. He will be silent! Oh, he will be silent!'
" 'You are mad, Elise!' he shouted, struggling to break away from her. 'You will be
the ruin of us. He has seen too much. Let me pass, I say!' He dashed her to one side, and,
rushing to the window, cut at me with his heavy weapon. I had let myself go, and was
hanging by the hands to the sill, when his blow fell. I was conscious of a dull pain, my
grip loosened, and I fell into the garden below.
"I was shaken but not hurt by the fall; so I picked myself up and rushed off among
the bushes as hard as I could run, for I understood that I was far from being out of
danger yet. Sud- denly, however, as I ran, a deadly dizziness and sickness came over me. I
glanced down at my hand, which was throbbing painfully, and then, for the first time, saw
that my thumb had been cut off and that the blood was pouring from my wound. I endeavoured
to tie my handkerchief round it, but there came a sudden buzzing in my ears, and next
moment I fell in a dead faint among the rose-bushes.
"How long I remained unconscious I cannot tell. It must have been a very long time,
for the moon had sunk, and a bright morning was breaking when I came to myself. My clothes
were all sodden with dew, and my coat-sleeve was drenched with blood from my wounded
thumb. The smarting of it recalled in an instant all the particulars of my night's
adventure, and I sprang to my feet with the feeling that I might hardly yet be safe from
my pursuers. But to my astonishment, when I came to look round me, neither house nor
garden were to be seen. I had been Iying in an angle of the hedge close by the highroad,
and just a little lower down was a long building, which proved, upon my ap- proaching it,
to be the very station at which I had arrived upon the previous night. Were it not for the
ugly wound upon my hand, all that had passed during those dreadful hours might have been
an evil dream.
"Half dazed, I went into the station and asked about the morning train. There would
be one to Reading in less than an hour. The same porter was on duty, I found, as had been
there when I arrived. I inquired of him whether he had ever heard of Colonel Lysander
Stark. The name was strange to him. Had he observed a carriage the night before waiting
for me? No, he had not. Was there a police-station anywhere near? There was one about
three miles off.
"It was too far for me to go, weak and ill as I was. I determined to wait until I got
back to town before telling my story to the police. It was a little past six when I
arrived, so I went first to have my wound dressed, and then the doctor was kind enough to
bring me along here. I put the case into your hands and shall do exactly what you
We both sat in silence for some little time after listening to this extraordinary
narrative. Then Sherlock Holmes pulled down from the shelf one of the ponderous
commonplace books in which he placed his cuttings.
"Here is an advertisement which will interest you," said he. "It appeared
in all the papers about a year ago. Listen to this:
"Lost, on the 9th inst., Mr. Jeremiah Hayling, aged
twenty-six, a hydraulic engineer. Left his lodgings at ten
o'clock at night, and has not been heard of since. Was
dressed in -- etc., etc. Ha! That represents the last time that the colonel needed to have
his machine overhauled, I fancy."
"Good heavens!" cried my patient. "Then that explains what the girl
"Undoubtedly. It is quite clear that the colonel was a cool and desperate man, who
was absolutely determined that nothing should stand in the way of his little game, like
those out-and-out pirates who will leave no survivor from a captured ship. Well, every
moment now is precious, so if you feel equal to it we shall go down to Scotland Yard at
once as a preliminary to starting for Eyford."
Some three hours or so afterwards we were all in the train together, bound from Reading to
the little Berkshire village. There were Sherlock Holmes, the hydraulic engineer,
Inspector Bradstreet, of Scotland Yard, a plain-clothes man, and myself. Bradstreet had
spread an ordnance map of the county out upon the seat and was busy with his compasses
drawing a circle with Eyford for its centre.
"There you are," said he. "That circle is drawn at a radius of ten miles
from the village. The place we want must be some- where near that line. You said ten
miles, I think, sir."
"It was an hour's good drive."
"And you think that they brought you back all that way when you were
"They must have done so.l have a confused memory, too, of having been lifted and
conveyed somewhere."
"What I cannot understand," said I, "is why they should have spared you
when they found you lying fainting in the garden. Perhaps the villain was softened by the
woman's entreaties."
"I hardly think that likely. I never saw a more inexorable face in my life."
"Oh, we shall soon clear up all that," said Bradstreet. "Well, I have drawn
my circle, and I only wish I knew at what point upon it the folk that we are in search of
are to be found."
"I think I could lay my finger on it," said Holmes quietly.
"Really, now!" cried the inspector, "you have formed your opinion! Come,
now, we shall see who agrees with you. I say it is south, for the country is more deserted
"And I say east," said my patient.
"I am for west," remarked the plain-clothes man. "There are several quiet
little villages up there."
"And I am for north," said I, "because there are no hills there, and our
friend says that he did not notice the carriage go up any."
"Come," cried the inspector, laughing; "it's a very pretty diversity of
opinion. We have boxed the compass among us. Who do you give your casting vote to?"
"You are all wrong."
"But we can't all be."
"Oh, yes, you can. This is my point." He placed his finger in the centre of the
circle. "This is where we shall find them."
"But the twelve-mile drive?" gasped Hatherley.
"Six out and six back. Nothing simpler. You say yourself that the horse was fresh and
glossy when you got in. How could it be that if it had gone twelve miles over heavy
"Indeed, it is a likely ruse enough," observed Bradstreet thoughtfully. "Of
course there can be no doubt as to the nature of this gang."
"None at all," said Holmes. "They are coiners on a large scale, and have
used the machine to form the amalgam which has taken the place of silver."
"We have known for some time that a clever gang was at work," said the
inspector. "They have been turning out half- crowns by the thousand. We even traced
them as far as Reading, but could get no farther, for they had covered their traces in a
way that showed that they were very old hands. But now, thanks to this lucky chance, I
think that we have got them right enough."
But the inspector was mistaken, for those criminals were not destined to fall into the
hands of justice. As we rolled into Eyford Station we saw a gigantic column of smoke which
streamed up from behind a small clump of trees in the neighbourhood and hung like an
immense ostrich feather over the landscape.
"A house on fire?" asked Bradstreet as the train steamed off again on its way.
"Yes, sir!" said the station-master.
"When did it break out?"
"I hear that it was during the night, sir, but it has got worse, and the whole place
is in a blaze."
"Whose house is it?"
"Dr. Becher's."
"Tell me," broke in the engineer, "is Dr. Becher a German, very thin, with
a long, sharp nose?"
The station-master laughed heartily. "No, sir, Dr. Becher is an Englishman, and there
isn't a man in the parish who has a bener-lined waistcoat. But he has a gentleman staying
with him, a patient, as I understand, who is a foreigner, and he looks as if a little good
Berkshire beef would do him no harm."
The station-master had not finished his speech before we were all hastening in the
direction of the fire. The road topped a low hill, and there was a great widespread
whitewashed building in front of us, spouting fire at every chink and window, while in the
garden in front three fire-engines were vainly striving to keep the flames under.
"That's it!" cried Hatherley, in intense excitement. "There is the
gravel-drive, and there are the rose-bushes where I lay. That second window is the one
that I jumped from."
"Well, at least," said Holmes, "you have had your revenge upon them. There
can be no question that it was your oil-lamp which, when it was crushed in the press, set
fire to the wooden walls, though no doubt they were too excited in the chase after you to
observe it at the time. Now keep your eyes open in this crowd for your friends of last
night, though I very much fear that they are a good hundred miles off by now."
And Holmes's fears came to be realized, for from that day to this no word has ever been
heard either of the beautiful woman, the sinister German, or the morose Englishman. Early
that morn- ing a peasant had met a cart containing several people and some very bulky
boxes driving rapidly in the direction of Reading, but there all traces of the fugitives
disappeared, and even Holmes's ingenuity failed ever to discover the least clue as to
their whereabouts.
The firemen had been much perturbed at the strange arrange- ments which they had found
within, and still more so by discov- ering a newly severed human thumb upon a window-sill
of the second floor. About sunset, however, their efforts were at last successful, and
they subdued the flames, but not before the roof had fallen in, and the whole place been
reduced to such absolute ruin that, save some twisted cylinders and iron piping, not a
trace remained of the machinery which had cost our unfortunate acquaintance so dearly.
Large masses of nickel and of tin were discovered stored in an out-house, but no coins
were to be found, which may have explained the presence of those bulky boxes which have
been already referred to.
How our hydraulic engineer had been conveyed from the garden to the spot where he
recovered his senses might have remained forever a mystery were it not for the soft mould,
which told us a very plain tale. He had evidently been carried down by two persons, one of
whom had remarkably small feet and the other unusually large ones. On the whole, it was
most probable that the silent Englishman, being less bold or less murderous than his
companion, had assisted the woman to bear the uncon- scious man out of the way of danger.
"Well," said our engineer ruefully as we took our seats to return once more to
London, "it has been a pretty business for me! I have lost my thumb and I have lost a
fifty-guinea fee, and what have I gained?"
"Experience," said Holmes, laughing. "Indirectly it may be of value, you
know; you have only to put it into words to gain the reputation of being excellent company
for the remainder of your exlstence."
Some Interesting Facts: